Crime of the Truest Kind
Massachusetts and New England true crime stories, history, advocacy-focused podcast. The things that happen here. Created and hosted by Boston radio personality, Anngelle Wood (WFNX, WBCN, WZLX); each episode walks you through a local crime story and the people and places involved.
Crime. History. Empathy.
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Crime of the Truest Kind
EP 61 | The Mysterious Disappearance of Attiin R. Shaw, Washburn, Maine with Brandie of Evaporate The Missing
For the record, her name is Attiin (pronounced AhTeen) Rachmawati Shaw.
Uncover the unsettling case of Attiin Rachmawati Shaw, missing from Washburn, Maine. Dive into the mysteries and complexities in Episode 61.
This is a make good on our promise to cover Attiin's case after we first spoke about her at the live show on March 7 at Off Cabot in Beverly. I didn't know much about her case but we are peeling that all back now. I will work on a follow up to this case as I gather more about this mysterious disappearance of a young mother of four.
Brandie from Evaporate the Missing helps navigate the many unknowns in the case of missing mother from Maine, Attiin R. Shaw. Her story has been both disregarded and overlooked within her own rural community, but has new eyes now thanks to the dedication of local Maine mom and concerned citizen, Kara, who stepped up to be a voice for Attiin and her family in Indonesia.
We go over the many questions and complexities involved in Attiin's open case, the parallels her story shares with other recent cases of missing women in New England, and her family's struggle to get information and understand what her husband, Mike P. Shaw, is telling them about her last days at home and what may have happened. We'll dissect the scarce evidence, the frustrations of a family at a loss, and the unyielding efforts of a community to keep hope alive.
Where is Attiin Shaw? Facebook group
Indonesia Lantern
#missing #attiinshaw #maine
Next live show, Thurs 3/13 at Off Cabot in Beverly, Mass. Ticketrs at crimeofthetruestkind.com
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This podcast has minimal profanity but from time to time you get one or some curse words. This isn't for kids.
Music included in episodes from Joe "onlyone" Kowalski, Dug McCormack's Math Ghosts and Shredding by Andrew King
Well, hello, my name is Anngelle Wood and this is Crime of the Truest Kind. Well, hello and welcome to the show. Very exciting episode today, episode number 61. If you are at the live show at Off Cabot in Beverly, we basically declared that night that we would do this episode. We would do this episode.
Anngelle Wood:When I say we, I mean Brandie of Evaporate the Missing, who was my guest at the live show and really, for the most part, introduced me to the case that we are going to talk about on today's show. A couple of points to clarify. When Brandie and I spoke about this case, we had a good amount of information and since Brandy and I spoke about the case, I was able to collect a fair amount more from the woman, Kara, whom you will hear us refer to. Kara is somebody a Maine citizen, a concerned Maine citizen, a concerned Maine mom hearing about another missing woman, started to look into the case and she was able to discover a great deal of information, which I'm not going to say too much up front, but following the interview, or following the conversation really, that Brandie and I have, I'll make a little bit more sense out of some of the things. Here's what I'll say at the top. Throughout the course of the conversation we refer to her as Anton. That's not her name. Her Attiin R. Shaw, the R for Rachmawati She is a citizen of Indonesia who went missing from Maine. She and her family had moved to Maine in the early part of 2020. They moved to a very rural area, Washburn, Maine. Now I remember stories of my family talking about Presque Isle and Caribou and how really far that seemed, but it's really even further away than that. It's a beautiful area. It is very, very close to where the United States meets Canada. Washburn, Maine is less than 20 miles from the border. It is very far. So, as I have collected new information about Atene's case, we will do a follow-up on everything that I am gathering, because her story is a mystery and of course, we want to know more about it and how maybe we could help get Attiin's case more attention, Because Attiin R. Shaw is still missing and she has four children waiting for her and no one seems to be doing very much about it until now.
Anngelle Wood:This is episode number 61. My guest is Brandie of Evaporate the Missing. Now, before I forget, follow the show at Crime of the Truest Kind on all the places. Email the show. Share a show idea Crime of the Truest Kind@ gmail. com. You can send something in the post. My post office box is at the website at crimeofthetruestkindcom.
Anngelle Wood:Leave a five-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts. Listen on GoodPods, an independent podcast platform which keeps putting Crime of the Truest Kind on their charts. I thank them for that. Keeps putting Crime of the Truest Kind on their charts. I thank them for that. Support the show. Four tiers starting at just $1 on Patreon. I owe you a mini.
Anngelle Wood:It's about surviving a plane crash. I just wrote it. For those of you in the general Boston vicinity the Nine Night Music Festival that I organize and host gets underway Thursday April 4th. The Rock and Roll Rumble we're pretty amped Starts at the Middle East in Cambridge. This is episode 61. We go to the farthest regions of Northern Maine, almost Canada, to Washburn and what we are starting to learn about the disappearance of Attiin R. Shaw. We had a really great show together a couple of weeks ago at Off Cabot in Beverly. Thank you for coming.
Anngelle Wood:Brandy were nervous, but it didn't take very long until you. I saw you relax. I think I saw the moment where your body posture changed and you were on the mic you were telling it. Yes, absolutely. You had shared a number of cases that you have been, that you've written about and have been following on Evaporate the Missing, and one of the cases that we talked about at the live show was the case of the missing woman from Maine. Her name is Attiin R Shaw.
Anngelle Wood:Now, this is a really interesting story for a number of reasons, which we will get into. First and foremost, I think we should start by saying this not unlike some of the other cases that we followed, she went missing in 2021. But the public didn't really know anything about the public when I say the public, meaning outside of, probably, the small town in northern Maine that she lived in at the time. So, Brandie, you followed this much more closely. I think I probably had been aware of her case, but I didn't really know very much about it, and when we were prepping for the live show, you tipped me off to this and you had a great deal of information. So let's go back to. So let's go back to, I guess early 2023 is when we first publicly heard the case of Anton R Shaw.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:How did you first become clued into her case? I became aware of Anton Shaw when, I think, I was just on a Facebook missing persons group and a woman by the name of Kara had posted on there had you know, Attiin's picture, her information, and then she had a link for her own Facebook page that she created for Attiin this was in actually this year in January, and I was super intrigued, you know, clicked on it and I was like, wait a minute, you know, this is really odd. She disappeared in 2021. And I'm just hearing about it now. I actually reached out to Kara and she seemed like she needed a little bit more help, kind of spreading the word. Originally I was going to write a story on Attiin I might still in the future, but for now that kind of got put to the back burner a little bit. But I did get to know a lot about her through Kara, because Kara is in communication with Anton's family that currently live in Indonesia.
Anngelle Wood:So that's the thing. There are a lot of red flags, of course. We've come to recognize these and and so this world that we now inhabit, as you know, in the true crime realm. Let's lay out some of the facts about Attiin that we know. She was a 33-year-old mother of four children when she was last seen in September of 2021. Reportedly, I don't know where that date comes from, maybe her husband. She was from Indonesia. She was only in the US for a short time. Where she was living was , M aine, which you know that that is very rural. That is way up there. We're talking like Caribou Presque Isle, like almost Canada, Maine.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:Almost.
Anngelle Wood:Canada right, and I don't know what brought her there.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:It's still kind of unclear why they moved there specifically. I'm not sure if he has family in that area. I know originally he is from the United States but they met in Indonesia. But, yes, in 2020, they moved to Washburn Maine. But, yes, in 2020, they moved to Washburn Maine, and not really sure why. The only thing we can kind of gather is due to the pandemic. We're still not sure she's a native.
Anngelle Wood:Indonesian person. He was in Indonesia, they met, they got together and then they moved from indonesia to another country. She went to, they went to meymar, and they were there.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:for it doesn't sound like for a long time, because I think what I found was, or, or from what I understand, they moved there in 2019.
Anngelle Wood:And then they ended up back in the US in a very small town, very, very small town. To give it some kind of context, it's about 1,600 people who live in this area. So a woman, a mom, she's got four kids. She goes missing. Nobody knows. She doesn't probably have a lot of close friends in the area yet, because she's been there for such a short time. I'm hoping that the children are in school. So someone within this small community has to recognize that the mom isn't around. We don't know anybody who's come forward to have anything much to say other than her family, right, right?
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:So I think the problem lies with Attiin didn't have a job, she wasn't with friends, she didn't have activities to go to, anything like that. We do know that she was looking for work, or she wanted to look for work, and at one point she did. Uh, the same year in 2021, when she disappeared earlier that year, she did try and work at a Bangor pizza shop and initially I was like that's a little far away from Washburn, but now, from what I understand is, aunt Tin was actually renting a place in Hamden and she was just by herself and she attempted to work at Bangor Pizza Shop. She worked there for a few days. The owner of the establishment, I guess, realized some of her paperwork didn't allow her to legally work in the US, so they had to let her go and after that it seems like she went back to the family home.
Anngelle Wood:So you say you think that she was renting a place near Bangor.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:That is what I'm told from her advocate, Kara.
Anngelle Wood:Wow, that's like almost three hours away.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:Yes, that's why I was. When I heard about that she possibly tried to work there a few months back, I was very confused and then not sure if I'm more confused now. And then not sure if I'm more confused now because why was she renting a place by herself? It seems like maybe she could have been trying to establish herself. She wanted, you know, she wanted to be married.
Anngelle Wood:She loved her husband, Mike, but she also wanted to feel independent from him too to feel independent from him too, and I had read in some of my research that when she was in Indonesia, where she lived, where she was raised, didn't she work as a hairstylist there? Didn't she have some? Did she her whole own salon for a?
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:Certain period of time. Don't really know when those years were wow, so this is all more questions.
Anngelle Wood:iT poses more questions, right? We don't know what brought them to Washburn, Maine. If that's where he's from, possibly Maybe we'll find out more in time it was during the pandemic, so that would make sense. It would make sense that that's what brought them there. But just such a rural area. Do you have any idea what her husband was doing like, what his career was or what he was doing for work?
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:I know in Indonesia he was a teacher. That's how him and Anton met. I think he was a math and science teacher there and Anton was actually a secretary at the school that he taught at, and that's how they met here. The only thing that we guess can confirm is at one point he did work at a trash facility and that was in 2021. We don't believe he works there anymore and we don't know for how long he worked there.
Anngelle Wood:So so many red flags for me.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:But there's, more.
Anngelle Wood:I know it's so upsetting to me. We know that her family for up to about two years her family had been trying to find her and reach out to her. They hadn't been having any communication from her right.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:It seems like Attiin was last publicly seen in august of 2021, September 8th of 2021. Mike says that was the last day he had saw his wife. The night prior, Attiin and him were in a conversation because she wanted to work, and I'm not sure if Mike necessarily didn't want her to work or if the dynamics in the household because, keep in mind, they do have four children I'm not sure if it just wasn't feasible for her to work. But either way, it seems like mike was kind of opposed to her working. But and he later stated to her family, she was upset that night but it kind of blew over and they watched a movie before they went to bed.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:The next morning he woke up. Attiin was there, his kids were there. He left to the store grocery store, I believe to get some essential items, and when he returned is when she was gone. I don't know if he told the family that day, but shortly after he did inform her family that she was missing. He also told them that he did report her missing to the police department that day, September 8th. However, there's no record of him doing that. There is a record of him reporting her missing in November of 2021, so two months later, and this was actually because the family was kind of pushing him to do so. Not sure if they didn't believe him about the prior report or what that was about, but he finally did report her missing and it's it's on the books. It's actual in November of 2021.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:Then it seems like he told the police that she went back to her native country and then he told her family she went to work on a cruise ship and then that's kind of where the story is a little stagnant. I don't know if the police believed mike and then, like, the family believed mike, so nobody was really looking for her or, I guess, spreading awareness about her. And that's kind of where, J uly of 2023, Attiin's father reached out to mike again like, hey, what's happening? Where's my daughter? And this is where it kind of spirals into this mess. And now many, many people know that she's a missing person, she's a missing mother, she's a missing wife.
Anngelle Wood:As I understand it, she has a history for sometimes taking off to blow off some steam, but always comes back.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:Yes, I was informed that she did take off a couple times. If she has a mental health issue that's not diagnosed or what it is, but there are claims that she has kind of taken off in the past, but never for more than a week, I believe it was.
Anngelle Wood:Tell me about this woman, kara, what's her connection and how does she get her information?
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:Kara is actually a local to Maine. She's a resident of the state of Maine and she came across Anton's missing persons, I guess, flyer through one of the missing persons facebook sites, groups and it was posted there from one of her friends in indonesia and that's how that kind of happened. She was kind of intrigued and she was curious, like many. Like I said, she's a local and she's never heard of this missing mother. And that's how she got attached, you know, to the story and she started communicating with the friends in Indonesia, the family over there, the family over there, and they really trust her to spread the word, to speak for them.
Anngelle Wood:They have a pretty good relationship, from my understanding, because she's been sharing information that come that has been coming directly from the family. There's something that she posted in mid-january that is basically a message from her family saying we're looking for our family member. Her passport has expired. There's no record of her leaving the US. They say she has no means to leave, so she probably is limited. I would imagine it's pretty expensive to fly from Maine or I don't know. Would she have to go to Boston Logan?
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:Maybe yeah, To fly to Indonesia, so resources are? She didn't drive.
Anngelle Wood:She didn't drive. She spoke English, yes, but it was her second language, right, so she does have a little bit of difficulty in that regard. She has four children. Who's going to take off for?
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:months, going on three years.
Anngelle Wood:Her family is at their wits end. There has been no movement on her social media pages, which her family says that she was very active on. She does have a twitter page that I went on. There's been no action on there since 2018, but that doesn't mean anything because so many people, you know, come and go from their social media stuff. I didn't find anything on facebook. I didn't look really hard to find profiles.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:She does have a Facebook page because her settings are private, I can't see everything, but the last time she posted that I can see is May of 2021.
Anngelle Wood:So we're talking about a number of months.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:Yeah, mike and her also had a YouTube channel. I think it was about I don't know. I guess like kind of nature esque really, what were they talking about?
Anngelle Wood:hiking and stuff, things like that plants, trees.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:You know, I know she loved animals.
Anngelle Wood:I'm definitely curious as to what some of the so-called paper trail could be for her. Yeah, I see it now. Yeah, I guess I probably did look at this at one point. She has a lot of photographs of her, her and her kids. Looks like that's with her children. There's some photos looks like um a salon back home in indonesia. So I'm gonna guess that this photograph of her and a man with a hat outside that must be her husband, her american husband yes oh yeah, there's the great picture of her in front of the volkswagen bus.
Anngelle Wood:That's a great picture.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:Yeah, she's so beautiful.
Anngelle Wood:She really is. I mean, these pictures are really they're. They're great pictures. It's just so difficult to see these pictures and think, where in the world has she gone? Because she's she's living a pretty full life.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:When you look at the photographs.
Anngelle Wood:Wow, you know, when she talks a lot about in some of her Twitter posts before she stopped posting. She talks a lot about preparing for the birth of one of her children and you know there's a lot of links posted along with them. Like remember back in the day where you would check in in Fsquare, yeah, it's some of those things. So she was active and she would, she would talk about you know where she was at the time and there's something about, you know, right after probably around right after she had one of her children, she talked about going and I think like had a spa day or something like that.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:Like oh, that's A postnatal care day. Yeah, that's the thing. Like you said, she had such a full life and one day it just all stopped, and nobody seems to know why.
Anngelle Wood:There was a search of their home. The home that the Shaw family lived in was living in at the time of her disappearance and I believe they still live in. I don't know that there's been any information about them changing locations or anything. There was a search in February. Were you able to find out any more information about what came of that, if anything?
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:No, Law enforcement have not released anything pertaining to the search, but they did release a statement after the searches, so it was a two-day search. They were there, I believe, february 13th and 14th, and after that they released a statement stating no evidence that anton left to work on a cruise ship back in 2021. And they have also found no evidence Anton is living anywhere else.
Anngelle Wood:There's no, absolutely no record of her being in any other location. She's not been seen anywhere. There's no you know electronic trail that would lead to anywhere else. She probably couldn't access accounts on her own. I mean, I'm making that supposition that her and her husband shared their resources, but I don't. We don't really know any of those real personal details about her, because she's been missing since fall of 2021, all of that time was lost, I will add to the law enforcement statement stating that there's no evidence that she's living anywhere else.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:And I think they said that for two reasons One, because Mike at some point told them that she went to live back in Indonesia with her family, but two, because at some point we believe in 2021, Mike told Anton's father that she you ready for this Drumroll. Uh-oh, she may have left with another man. Oh.
Anngelle Wood:Yeah.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:Oh yeah, and I got this information from a new article from the Indonesian Lantern and there's actually a quote from there. They have the text message, or a screenshot of the text message that Mike sent Anton's father and it says their relationship was so deep that Anton hid the identity of myself and my four children. Mike continued Could it be that they already have children?
Anngelle Wood:How Meaning she had a secret pregnancy that he didn't know about.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:Right In between. Yeah, you know. I mean I know she did have her older son from a previous relationship. When Anton and Mike met, she was actually widowed. The other three children are from her and Mike's relationship right, and they all kind of happened pretty quickly.
Anngelle Wood:They all look very young and close in age. So, yeah, yeah, mike, where did she have the time? There's parallels with a couple of cases. There's parallels with the Anna Walsh case in Cohasset. Her husband said she got up early in the morning on January 1st and took a car to the airport. There was a work emergency in Washington DC Impossible. And we have since concluded that everything he said was lies. And now he's in prison or he's in jail facing murder charges and his trial is to come. I don't know if they've set a date. I believe this spring maybe Brian Walsh will face murder charges of Anna Walsh. She has three young children.
Anngelle Wood:Dissimilar to the case of Reena Rojas, who went missing from East Boston, who is a woman who came here from El Salvador who went missing and the public did not know. She went missing for about two months time time and the reason, I think the reason why we found out that Reina Rojas went missing, because people were saying people in her community were saying there's all this information and all this attention on Anna Walsh which, in fairness, all missing people should get attention, but no one seems to have mentioned a word about our friend Raina missing. So I think that's what generated. Well, we all know that sometimes law enforcement needs the kick in the ass to actually do something Right. That helped make that public. So here we are with this woman, 33-year-old woman, at the time mother of four moved to this very rural area in northern Maine. As you have added to the story, she was working almost three hours away from her family in Bangor. It just seems like what a random place to pick to go to work.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:Right and like that part of the story which we know is 100 true, but that part of the story I think is kind of a key right into possibly what happened to her what is the case with her husband, mike shaw, has he said publicly?
Anngelle Wood:I haven't been able to find anything. Is he just living his life taking care of the children in this very rural area of northern Maine, under the assumption that his story adds up?
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:publicly. I believe they are still in the same house. After the investigators did their thing in february, they kind of moved back in and been under the radar as far. As far as mike right, her children obviously are too young to speak about this, but Mike, yes, he has not said anything publicly. We do know last year, in 2023, he has cut ties with Anton's family. I think the pressure was too much for him. He couldn't deal with it. So, yeah, he hasn't talked to them, hasn't talked publicly. He's just kind of a big mystery, I guess.
Anngelle Wood:Have any members of Anton's family at any point in time tried to come to the US? I don't know. We really don't know what their situation is. We don't know what kind of resources that they have available to them either. This often happens with cases like this. There's no person here. I mean, thankfully we have this woman, kara online who's been supporting them in this way?
Anngelle Wood:There's been really nobody here to advocate in any way for further searches. I mean, certainly we also know what happens with cases like this, that law enforcement doesn't always, you know, release everything they're working on. They may have information that we're not privy to that we may never be privy to. There may have been subsequent searches that we're not aware of, but what's really troubling is this is such a small area. It's about 1600 people. I mean, some high schools have more people than that right and many in 2021.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:even in november, when we know he definitely reported, when Mike definitely reported her missing, it still wasn't a public thing. There was no news coverage, there was nothing on social media, so therefore the locals didn't really know. It wasn't until January and then definitely when the investigation happened in the home. In February is when I actually seen online many of the locals coming to the Facebook page and were just so confused that they had no idea that this woman was missing.
Anngelle Wood:So even with a small town town, they still didn't know and because she is from another country so she may not feel completely comfortable interacting with people. We don't know what her personality was. She did have four young children, so she was part of the community in some way. I would guess that the children were involved in school, in public school, unless there was a homeschooling situation going on, which did happen for many families during the right.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:I do believe they are in public school. I did see online you know, a lot of the locals, local mothers coming forward, especially after the investigation in February that you know their children go to school with her children and so, yes, I do believe that they go to public schools. Now, not sure about when they first moved here in 2020.
Anngelle Wood:Right, there's no way to know if law enforcement spoke to the children or if the children even have the ability to articulate what they may have seen, or if something happened if they're even aware, right I seen or if something happened if they're even aware, right I mean, if something happened in the home which we don't know, there's no evidence. They did search the house. They didn't really release anything.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:I do find it, though, a tad suspicious that they were there two days back to back.
Anngelle Wood:Yes, so what does that say? They were there two days. There was some reason for them to continue searching, right? But what's troubling is, like many of the cases that we know, there's probably substantial things, you know, yeah but no evidence to prove it and that's the thing.
Anngelle Wood:We've heard these cases. I've heard families say it. We know who did it, we know what happened, we know who did it, but they can't prove anything. I try to be very careful the way I address these situations. I can't say that Anton Shaw's husband, mike, harmed her. We have no evidence. The evidence that we do have is that she is missing. She is, at the time, a 33-year-old mother of four children living in a foreign country to her. More foreign is that it was very rural, not a lot of people around, whether she was somebody who was very social or not. We don't know Whether she had any relationships in the community. We don't know what her husband, mike Shaw's, knowledge is of the area. We can guess that he's from there, but we're not completely sure. We don't really know what he did for work.
Anngelle Wood:We're left with all of these unknowns too many questions, not enough answers we have a very small police department, the main I almost said Massachusetts, the main state police department. What's their closest hub? What's the closest barracks to this area? Are we talking about different counties? Counties, it's unlikely that. You know. The state police are hanging around Washburn, maine, trying to get information. It's a risk. It becomes a resource issue.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:Yeah, absolutely I know that there was something online about like an online vigil or something for her. Did I read that or am I getting this confused with another case? It is for her. So, Kara, amazing lady, she volunteered to help the family spread awareness about Anton and she created the Facebook page which is called when is Anton Shaw on Facebook and on there she is kind of trying to see. I think it was about a week or two ago she did post if anybody would be interested in a vigil for her this year, which I'm all for. I'm just not sure what Washburn is like and I just don't know. I mean, it's a small town, right, so we can only hope that people will just come and hopefully they'll. It will be a big turnout.
Anngelle Wood:Yeah, and that would have to be, something, that kind of loop in a bunch of resources to help because of the general nature of just where it is and the general nature of really having absolutely no idea what we're dealing with, of really having absolutely no idea what we're dealing with. I would imagine that her husband is not going to want to be public about this, but it's worth trying to reach out to him to see if he would come to something.
Anngelle Wood:I mean, that would be amazing as more information becomes available. I made one of my call it a flyer. I just put together like a one page thing that I put on my website and I share. It's just another means of getting her face out there.
Anngelle Wood:It's just another means of trying to keep her case active. Because there's so many people, we can never assume that people have heard about her case. We can never assume like, oh, everybody knows. No, I didn't know. Initially I think I was aware that a woman went missing in Maine and I didn't even know where in Maine. And then once I looked at it, I was like, oh my, this is almost Canada, maine, very small town. And then the more I learned, the more I delved. I realized that something has happened to this woman. She would be, I believe, 36. Now Right, she was a petite woman. She stood about four foot seven tiny. She weighed maybe 110 pounds. She's Indonesian, tiny, she weighed maybe 110 pounds. She's indonesian, she her uh, english is her second language. She has four children. She left and never came home yeah, and she left everything behind there has been no activity on any of her social media platforms.
Anngelle Wood:Her family said there was no activity through her social security account, which I'm not sure what that means I think the social security account um has to do with the passport.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:apparently her passport had expired prior and I guess she didn't use her social security to reapply. That's where I think that comes from.
Anngelle Wood:Because there would be a record of any of that. There would be a record of. There'd be a credit record. If she tried to take out a loan or a credit card, there'd be a credit record. If she tried to apply for a passport, there would be a credit record if you're working someplace applying. A lot of companies do background checks, etc. It's interesting, though, that she was working at that place in Bangor and they said there's a problem with your paperwork. Maybe she didn't technically have all the proper paperwork to work in the US in terms of citizenship. Maybe she was still going through the process of applying for citizenship.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:Right, I think that's what it was.
Anngelle Wood:It's fascinating, you were told. Is this something that came through? Kara the advocate? Her husband had gotten a salon for her. Yes, the family told her that told Kara that. Do you know where that salon was?
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:I don't.
Anngelle Wood:I'm going to ask Kara if maybe she can fill in some of these questions that we just don't have the answers for and put that together. You shared a bunch of things with me that I had no idea about, so thanks for filling in some of those gaps, sort of a hairpin, spreading the word right and spreading correct information.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:I do want to end on a small statement from the family Cool. They said please any information, no matter how seemingly innocuous, share with us or preferably, the police of Washburn. They are still actively investigating her disappearance. Anything you can do to find her would be deeply appreciated by many. Please ask friends and anyone in the area if they know something and have a detail to share. Please do not forget her as we have.
Anngelle Wood:we have not well, we're not going to allow that to happen. And you know, she's got four children that really want to know where their mom is. And we have to play it cool and say play nice I'm sure her husband wants to know what happens.
Anngelle Wood:We don't. There's no evidence to suggest that he did anything to harm her. Until until we have that evidence, all we have to go on is that she is missing. We don't know where she is. She's not. Has not seen her children since september 2021. That is a long time to be away from your small children. Yeah well, thank you, brandy. Thank you for having me. I really appreciate it. That is a long time to be away from your small children.
Brandie of Evaporate The Missing:Yeah, well, thank you, brandy. Thank you for having me. I really appreciate it.
Anngelle Wood:Brandy's website is evaporatethemissingcom. She writes about missing persons cases from all over the world, not just here in New England. My name is Angelle Wood. Thank you for listening to the show. There is more going on with Atene's case. It seems to have been reopened that two-day search of the Shah property. Something had to have come from that. Still so much more to learn about this case. Here are a few post notes I will add to this.
Anngelle Wood:Atin's family has been looking for her. They requested information from the Indonesian consulate in New York City. A huge concern that Atin's family has is well, they haven't spoken to her in going on three years. She has four young children that are still here in the States. Atin's father passed away in 2023. The report is of some type of stomach ailment. That just reinforced all the worry and all of the concern Atin's family had. Her father passed away and she didn't come home and there was no contact from her. There has been communication between Mike Shaw and Atin's family in Indonesia, but how recent there has been communication that is unclear. By the looks of it, mike P Shaw has been pretty quiet about his vanished wife.
Anngelle Wood:Washburn, maine Police Department investigated, found no proof that she had been working on a cruise ship. There was no evidence that she relocated anywhere with anyone. There was no record of any movement by Atene Arsha after September 2021. And even people in that very small town in northern Maine were not aware that a woman was missing from their town. It just goes to show how very little has been said about a missing mother of four small children who disappears from a rural community of about 1,600 people. That's not an indictment of the community. It's an indictment of the person withholding the information, of the person withholding the information. And there is more information still to learn about the disappearance of Aateen Arsha.
Anngelle Wood:I thank Brandy, I thank Kara. There is a public Facebook group. Where is Aateen Arsha? Her first name is spelled A-T-T-I-I-N. Shaw, s-h-a-w. There are a great many posts, news links, photographs of Ateen over the years, photographs of Atene over the years. I have found a number of pictures posted publicly that I will share in the gallery at crimeofthechewestkindcom and I will continue to get more information from Kara, who is responsible for helping generate interest in this case.
Anngelle Wood:I made a case flyer for a teen's case. It's linked at crimeofthetruestkindcom. You can share it. People need advocates. People need someone who will be brave enough to speak up for them when they are unable to. Thank you for listening. My name is Angelle Wood. This is Crime of the Truest Kind. Online at Crime of the Truest Kind. Follow the show on all the places. Leave a five-star review on Apple Podcasts. Five stars are my favorite. Give the dogs a bone. Become a Patreon patron. Four tiers starting at just $1. I have a busy month coming up, but I do intend on dropping some episodes during that time, fingers crossed, and I have some pretty interesting projects in the works and more live in-person shows are coming. Okay, I'm going to go now. Bye, everybody, bye. Lock your goddamn doors. We'll be right back. We'll see you next time.